Everyone holds beliefs which either limit or empower them in their conscious and unconscious mind. These beliefs begin to form when a person is quite young and observes the relationships that his or her parents have with life, themselves, others, the world, being safe, success, money, etc. Uncovering the beliefs that limit and sabotage a person's success is the first step in creating new empowering ways of thinking and training the mind to achieve results.

"I had my first NLP session with Karna, and I can truly say that it was life-altering. It felt like something was reprogrammed at the level of my DNA. In the week since our session, I have noticed an incredible flow of energy in new directions both internally and externally, like a dam that has been opened to release a great flow of water. While NLP is a powerful tool, it is Karna who creates the magic. Her clarity, compassion, encouragement, and kind, steady presence created a safe environment in which I could dive into my inner world, alchemizing old self-limiting beliefs into new life-supporting ones. Not only that, I now feel so inspired to learn more about NLP and how I can use it to support my own clients!"
Sara Antonía S.
Phoenix, AZ

"My dream was to be a professional coach, but I never had the motivation or believed in myself enough to try. In my session with Karna, she discovered that I was adopted as a baby. Apparently even at such a young age I needed to understand a reason why my mother would give me away. I formed a belief that there was something wrong with me. That belief carried through my life and stopped me from being as great as I could have been. When I changed the belief, I felt different and began to believe in a new future for myself."
Tom S.
San Francisco, CA

"After one session with Karna, I was able to change a belief I had for over 50 years regarding a shortage of money. It was absolutely amazing and I have not looked back since. She is awesome!"
Roger F.
Bristol, England

"I have felt suicidal since I was in high school and once almost successfully ended my life. In sessions with Karna I discovered the belief that caused me to feel this way. I changed that belief and my own feelings about myself and can honestly say that I have not felt suicidal ever since...even when I was going through a divorce. This was a miracle for me!
D. H -
Seattle, WA

"My personal experience with Neuro Linguistics Programming is what I would call a "fast track" to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. During NLP processes with Karna, I was able to transcend my "limiting beliefs". It was so powerful that it reminded me of the first time I did a "fire walk". I feel that NLP helped me better deal with loneliness, grief and fear during the most stressful times in my life. So I have much respect and gratitude for the work Karna does as a highly skilled practitioner with the utmost integrity."
Sherrill C.
Missoula, MT

"I am indebted to Karna for helping me uncover limiting beliefs developed early in life, and make them visible from a present state perspective. She is not only very competent in NLP, which helped me greatly, but also radiates an appreciation of life that is catching."
Don L.
Missoula, MT